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Benefits of Metal Braces Compared to Other Orthodontic Treatments

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Metal braces are a common orthodontic procedure for misaligned teeth and bite problems. They work by applying constant, gentle pressure to the teeth, which gradually moves them over time into the desired position. Depending on the severity of the teeth, the duration of the treatment varies from patient to patient.

Why do people still choose metal braces over other orthodontic treatments?

There is a reason why conventional metal braces are still in use even though there are highly sophisticated orthodontic treatments that offer faster, almost invisible, and maintenance-free treatment. Your smile and bite will still be perfectly aligned using their method, which is still very effective. Traditional metal braces are still a very reliable option for straightening teeth when discrete treatment is not required. The fact that metal braces are reasonably priced is by far their best quality. To learn more about metal braces in Gurgaon, meet the experts at Aspen Dental, one of the best dental clinics.

Here is a thorough explanation of how metal braces work:

  1. The orthodontist will perform a complete evaluation of the teeth, bite, and general oral health prior to placing metal braces. To create a treatment plan that is appropriate for the patient's unique needs, this assessment may involve taking X-rays, photos, and impressions of the patient's teeth.
  2. After the course of treatment has been decided, dental adhesive will be used to attach metal brackets to the teeth's front surfaces. The brackets, which are typically made of metal alloys like stainless steel, are intended to hold the wires that will be used to move the teeth.
  3. An archwire is inserted through the brackets after they have been set in place, and it is then fastened with ligatures or elastic bands. A nickel-titanium alloy is typically used to make the wire, which is strong enough to press on the teeth while remaining flexible enough to allow for movement.
  4. The archwire will gradually be changed by the orthodontist to exert more pressure on the teeth and encourage their movement in the desired direction. This can be accomplished by tightening the elastic bands or ligatures, replacing the wire with one that is thicker or more rigid, or both.
  5. After the procedure is finished, one must wear a retainer to keep their teeth in their proper positions. To stop the teeth from shifting back to their original positions, retainers may need to be worn for some time, as suggested by the doctor. Retainers can either be removable or fixed in place.

In general, metal braces work by continuously applying pressure to the teeth, which causes them to shift into the desired position over time.

Metal braces can be a successful orthodontic treatment when used in conjunction with routine adjustments and good oral hygiene to straighten teeth and address bite problems.

The advantages of metal braces over other orthodontic procedures:

Metal braces are a popular choice for patients even though there are other orthodontic treatments available due to their many benefits. They are a fantastic option for patients with a variety of orthodontic needs because they work well, are adaptable, and can be customized.

  1. Highly successful: Metal braces have been used for many years and have a solid track record of successfully treating a variety of orthodontic issues, such as overcrowding, crooked teeth, and bite problems.
  2. Flexible: Metal braces are an effective treatment option because they can be used to treat both straightforward and more complicated orthodontic cases.
  3. Value for money: Compared to other orthodontic treatments like clear aligners or lingual braces, metal braces are typically less expensive.
  4. Reliable: High-quality, long-lasting materials are used in the construction of metal braces. The likelihood of them breaking or getting damaged while receiving treatment is lower.
  5. Highly efficient: Due to their ability to move teeth more quickly and precisely than other orthodontic treatments, metal braces are frequently more effective than other orthodontic procedures.
  6. Personalized: Metal braces can be made to order with various colored elastics, letting patients express their unique personalities and styles.
  7. Ideal for cases that are complicated: Since metal braces have the ability to exert more force and pressure on the teeth than other treatments, they are frequently the best choice for complex orthodontic cases.
  8. Easy to up-keep: Metal braces don't need the extra care and attention that other treatments might need; all they need is routine brushing and flossing.

How should metal braces be maintained?

For the treatment to be successful and to reduce the risk of dental issues, metal braces must be properly maintained and cared for. To maintain metal braces, follow these tips:

  1. Regular brushing and flossing are essential for maintaining good oral health while wearing metal braces. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to brush the teeth at least twice per day, ideally right after meals. To get rid of any food particles or plaque that may have gotten stuck between the teeth and the braces, flossing should be done at least once a day.
  2. Hard-to-reach areas around the brackets and wires can be cleaned with interdental brushes and floss threaders. Find out which oral hygiene tools work best by asking your orthodontist.
  3. Certain foods can harm or unseat the brackets and wires, extending the length of the treatment. Don't eat foods like candy, gum, or popcorn that are hard, sticky, or chewy. Hard fruits and vegetables should be chopped up into smaller pieces.
  4. In order to prevent damage to the braces and teeth while participating in sports, it is advised to wear a mouthguard.
  5. It's crucial to keep regular appointments with the orthodontist to make sure the treatment is going according to plan. In order to keep moving the teeth toward the desired position, they will make any necessary adjustments to the braces' wires and brackets.

These suggestions can help someone take proper care of their metal braces and guarantee the most successful orthodontic treatment possible.

Aspen Dental Clinic has the best dentist in Gurgaon who feels that a beautiful smile can change the world!
This approach to creating beautiful smiles that are also strong and healthy is what makes the clinic the best. To get straight teeth and an enhanced smile, visit Aspen Dental today!